New Employee Orientation - A Powerful First Step for Success

Offering a good new employee orientation is a way we can ensure that new hires feel welcome and confident they can perform at their best level, since the first days after they were hired. 

New employees get a couple benefits from having a good onboarding process:
  • It speeds up their learning of the new company's culture, job scope and objectives;
  • It increases their initial overall satisfaction with the company they have just joined.
Every phase of the onboarding process is important. These are the key ones :

- After a job offer was accepted and before the new employee hiring date, the Hiring Manager must prepare what onboarding actions should be taken during the first 60 to 90 days.

- During the first day, or as soon as possible during the first week, the Hiring Manager should present the onboarding plans to the new employee. The onboarding plans should include: (1) WHAT will happen; (2) By WHEN it should happen, and (3) with the assistance of WHOM each action planned will be implemented.

- At the end of each month and quarter, until the onboarding plan is over, Hiring Manager should check completion and when needed adjust what was planned.

Last but not least...


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