The Art of BUILDING Relationships

"Humans are essentially social beings" - We really enjoy the state of  human communion expressed by being connected, sharing our thoughts and emotions. However, we should not turn on an "automatic mode" when we build relationships. It is critical that we build more valuable ones.

TRUST is the foundation of every good relationship, and for building good relationships, we must develop MUTUAL RESPECT. 

These are some inspiring tips on how we can build, develop and maintain more valuable relationships in our lives:

Search for new connections and stay connected with them - We must keep good track of what’s going on with our friends or colleagues. Follow them not only on social media but also we should try to meet them face-to-face whenever it is possible. 

Develop empathy - We shoud continuously ask for introductions and we should also introduce our connections to each other, when we feel it would be beneficial for both parties because they could help each other. 

Listen and speak effectively -  We must welcome diversity of thoughts, accepting and celebrating different points of view.It is fundamental we learn how take and give feedback. The better we communicate, the richer our relationships will be. 
Think and act beyond - We should search for opportunities to interact more with different people and learn from their thoughts and ideas. We can do that if we participate on committees, presentations, getting involved in different projects, and much more...


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