Just by watching the daily broadcast we see that many people around the world need help!  There is an unquestionable need to improve people's life conditions in most countries around the world.

The reduction of hunger, epidemics, illness, violence, criminality... and more, depends on a joint effort among  governments, citizens and corporations.

During the past decades, we have seen several positive examples of companies implementing their SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY initiatives. However, the need for more social support grows exponentially. Despite existing initiatives have already presented some results, corporations and individuals united by a strong purpose of building a BETTER TOMORROW, need to keep focus on promoting new... and more initiatives.

In corporations, leaders who have the power to make strategic decisions in their companies should urgently consider implementing a SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY STRATEGY in their organizations. A strategy with
non-profit activities that benefit society, communities in which they operate.

Last but not least... 


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