“Integrity” is a word we hear and say often, however, most people don't think about it.

There are countless examples of integrity in our everyday life. If you try to define it, what would you say?

According to the dictionary, integrity is "firm adherence to a code of especially moral values."
In my opinion, integrity is about doing the right thing. Doing it even when it’s not visible or acknowledged by others. Integrity behavior should have nothing to do with self-interest or convenience.

Integrity is a fundamental value. It is about demonstrating moral and ethical principles at work and in all we do.

A person who has integrity in his/her relationships, inspire trust in others. Integrity must happen in all our interactions with our friends, family, coworkers, customers etc.

"The good news about integrity is that we're not born with it—or without it—which means that it's a behavior-based virtue we can cultivate over time. We can set a goal to show more integrity in everyday life and we can reach that goal by practicing the behaviors above, as well as countless others which too often go unnoticed."

- Set Myers Psy.D. 


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