Human Emotions

"Happiness is a kind of a placeholder for a constellations of positive emotionals states."

- Richard J. Davidson, Neuroscientist Ph.D.

Sometimes we tend to take things too seriously and we let our emotions get in our way. 

The combination of some attibutes distinguish the emotions from sensations, feelings and moods. Researchers say that our happiness level is a direct measurement of our creative and attractive power.

In 1980, Robert Pluchick constructed a diagram visualising eight basic emotions: Joy, Trust, Fear, Surprise, Sadness, Disgust, Anger and Anticipation. Similar emotions in the wheel are adjacent, arranged in pairs according to behavioural and evolutionary mechanisms:

This chart  from Erin Meyer shows how people from different nationality demonstrate more or less EMOTION or CONFRONTATION when facing their counterparts:

See more in Erin Meyer's book:


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