Provérbios Latinos - Latin Proverbs

"Homo doctus in se semper divitias habet "
> Do saber vem o ter ( as it is known in Portuguese)
> Knowledge is power ( as it is known in English)

"Homo extra corpus est suum, cum irascitur "
>A ira é má conselheira
>Rage is a bad counselor

"Honoratur arbor ob umbram"
>Quem a boa árvore se chega, boa sombra o cobre
>Honour the tree that gives you shelter (as it is known in English)

"A bonis bona disce"
>Junta-te aos bons e serás um deles
>Keep good men’s company and you shall be of their number.

"A fructibus cognoscitur arbor / Arbor ex fructu cognoscitur"
>Pelo fruto conheço a árvore
>The tree is known by its fruit

"Nec minor est virtus, quam quaerere, parta tueri"
>É virtude o trabalhar, como também o guardar
> In fair weather prepare for foul (as it is known in English)
Estes provérbios foram extraidos do website "PÁGINA DOS PROVÉRBIOS, MÁXIMAS E CITAÇÕES" - These proverbs were extracted from the website :


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