It Depends!

"The only thing I know is that I know nothing." 

"Wisdom begins in wonder."

 - Socrates

"IT DEPENDS" is often the most appropriate initial answer. it is certainly a non-confrontational answer, however, it is also a valuable and contributory answer, meaning - IT DEPENDS ON CONTEXT.

It is an answer which may projects non-commitment, but also places us in a non-polarizing position. We do not always have to choose sides on all issues or battles for which we have no stake or position.

In any conversation, debate, participants are likely to arrive at different understandings due to different circumstances and surroundings. Opinions are mostly ambiguous, and ambiguity is not an enemy, it may in fact be a catalyst causing one to initiate a search for a competent reply, or to encourage the supplying by one competent of the exact answer, or a set of answers.

I have used this answer in some situations as a starting point to think about the question for a while, and it has actually become a basis for learning!


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