Workforce and Work Environment Changes✨

The work itself and the work environment as we knew some time ago has already changed. Indeed, it was acccelerated by the changes of how to work implemented during the recent pandemic period we faced. However, it will continue to change on a fast-paced rhythm because many social, labor, behavioral, and technological forces are fastly transforming how work gets done.

Jacob Morgan author of the best seller book- The Future of Work: Attract New Talent, Build Better Leaders, and Create a Competitive Organization, published in 2014… said ten years ago: “The only way forward is to challenge convention around how we work, how we lead, and how we build our companies.” “Employees are the most valuable asset that any organization has. However, the employee from a decade ago isn't the same as the employee who we are starting to see today."

Organizations now, more than ever, need to analyze, evaluate, debate and define how to deal with these fast-paced changes of their workforce and work environment towards the future.


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