There is always more than what we can see…

We tend to judge based on what we see and hear, before looking deeper and finding out that there are more hidden elements than our senses can catch at first glance.

We all  know how an iceberg is structured - it is only visible a small fraction above the water level. Many authors use the iceberg image as a metaphor for illustrating their theories. Some use it to explain the unconscious mind and its relationship to the conscious mind, and how the two parts of our mind can better work together. Others use this metaphor as a representation of how CULTURE is like. In different  cultures, at the surface level we only see what is mainly defined by popular or stereotype culture. At the intermediate level we see what is the meaning and norms of a culture such as signs, words, gestures, and behaviors. At the deeper level is where we can find the deepest beliefs such as TRADITIONS and VALUES.


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