When Nothing Becomes Something ...

We all know that working harder is not necessarily working smarter.  

Sometimes our busy schedules have back-to-back appointments, and we have no time time left to think. We may even know that there’s a better way to do things, but we keep  going like we always have, because we’re just too busy to take a break. 

We definitely need more time to think. If we intentionally stop our tasks and do a short  break, we may think about something new, or different. 

Regular breaks are absolutely necessary... We should schedule some time to have nothing scheduled! Intentionally and regularly setting aside in our busy schedules some periods for "doing nothing" may be the best thing we can do to do things better.

Scientific studies show that even if  it’s just for a few minutes, breaks make us more focused and productive because they keep us from getting bored. They also help us to make connections, recover, restore, and re-energize... keeping us refreshed. 

Last but not least... breaks boost our imagination, creative thoughts, helping us to re-evaluate our assumptions and objectives.


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