More PROVERBS From Around the World...


Proverbs are expressions of popular wisdom. They are simple, concrete, and are based on common sense or practical experience. People use proverbs in their everyday communication to better illustrate their thoughts and ideas. 

I have received some messages asking me to post more PROVERBS from different cultures and countries. 

Enjoy these thoughtful ones:

 "A book is like a garden which you can put in your pocket and carry with you." - Chinese Proverb

 "Fall seven times, stand up eight." -  Japanese Proverb. 

 " Towards one thing, ten things are known." - Korean Proverb. 

"A bad worker blames his tools." - Australian Proverb.

" Patience is a tree whose root is bitter, but its fruit is very sweet." - Canadian Proverb

" A person who talks a lot usually is empty inside." - Indonesian Proverb.

" Where there's a will there's a way."- Chinese Proverb. 

"Act quickly, think slowly."- Greek Proverb. 

"Every goodbye is the birth of a memory."- Dutch Proverb. 

 "A leopard can't change its spots." - German Proverb


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