The Emotional Triggers of Colors

We all have our favorite colors​,​ and have ​somehow noticed how colors make ​us​ feel a certain way. There is a reason why people prefer some colors over others, or why we choose a color now and a different one later on.

Some scientific researches say that colors themselves have an effect on our minds. Each color has an association with a reaction our brain has when we internalize it. Color psychology is a well-known branch of the study of how our brain perceives what it visualizes. 

The premise of color psychology is that colors evoke emotional, mental and even behavioral responses, and, therefore, can impact our mood. Some researches point to the evidence that certain colors elicit the same type of mood in most people.

We can​ use color to create specific emotions and moods​. The following table shows more details evidenced by color psychology studies.

The impact that colors have on consumers brains' has been used by Marketing experts. See on the following image the colors used ​by​ well known brands:

My own experience with colors:

My other activity is painting. When I ​start​ a new picture​, ​I feel that my mood at that moment drives the color pallet I will use.​ 

When I show my paintings, I get feedback from people regarding how much the INNER GARDENS theme and the colors of my paintings bring out different emotions, such as happiness, introspection etc.

See b​ellow ​some ​images of my art exhibition in Campinas - São Paulo, and a couple of my most recent paintings:

 If you want to see more images of my paintings, you can check

A short video on YouTube: 


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